7 March 06

The Intriguing and Recurrent Fractal Growth Winds Under the Wings of
The 2000 Wilshire's Right Shoulder.............

................X/2.5X/2.5X.....x/2.5x/2.5x....y/2.5y/2.5y......z/2.5z/2.5z    of..2.5z

It is not that the current generational asset now has more intrinsic
value. It is merely that the the consumer-debtor has been enticed into
an agreement to obligate longer periods of future labor against  the
privilege of occupancy of that lodestone asset around his scrawny
neck. The heavy lodestone replete with monthly debt payment obligation
is unbearable for those on the edge, living paycheck to paycheck.  The
inevitable and cascading devolution is... now transpiring....

TMWX the Wilshire's x/2.5x/2.5x recurrent second shoulder growth fractals:

weekly: 30/75/75

daily: 31/77/62 (high)-77 (secondary high)

echo daily fractal starting at day 62  -  6plus/16/16 ending at
13099.41 on 3 March 2006

Along the topmost crest of the 2000 Right Shoulder: 13/32/day 32 of 32
..... break away....

Gary Lammert